Calibration Services

We calibrate all our products upon delivery, and verify that the units are within their published specifications.

We use traceable calibrated instruments and traceable sources in our factory.

And we supply a signed certificate stating that the instrument has been calibrated / adjusted to be within specifications.

Reference Timebase Oscillator:

If requested, we can provide a special calibration of the reference oscillator, with detailed measurement protocol, called option 90.

This option 90 can be ordered with the original purchase or at any time later. By letting us calibrate the reference oscillator of the instrument, whether a Frequency Counter/Analyzer or a Frequency & Time Standard, you will get a traceable calibration with comparison data year by year. The cost is the same as for the first delivery from us, but you will need to pay the freight additionally.

We collaborate with the national Polish time & Frequency metrology labs, and can also provide an accredited calibration services, for those who require that.

Our calibration options are:

Option 90/00 Time base aging measurement with report, per week. Available for CNT-9x, GPS-12x, GPS-88/89, 6688/6689
NOTE This option includes NO Calibration, which must be ordered separately
Option 90/01 Time-base calibration certificate w. Protocol, standard oscillator CNT-9x, standard oscillator
Option 90/06 Time-base Calibration certificate w. Protocol, OCXO oscillator, for CNT-9x or 6688. CNT-9x, OCXO oscillator
Option 90/06A Accredited ISO 17025 time-base Calibration certificate w. protocol, OCXO oscillator, for CNT-90, CNT-91, CNT-90XL or 6688 CNT-9x, OCXO oscillator
Option 90/07 Time-base calibration certificate w. Protocol for CNT91R or 6689. CNT-91R, CNT-91R/AF
Option 90/07A Accredited ISO 17025 time-base Calibration certificate w. protocol, Rubidium oscillator, for CNT-91R, CNT-91R/AF,or 6689 CNT-91R, CNT-91R/AF
Option 91/01 RF Power measurement calibration for CNT-90XL, with protocol. Separate calibration. CNT-90XL
Option 91/02 RF Power measurement calibration for CNT-90XL, with protocol. Calibration combined with simultaneous order of timebase calibration Option 90/0X CNT-90XL

(the difference between option 91/01 and 91/02 is only the price)


The GPS-controlled frequency standards GPS-12R/RG, GPS-88/89, normally do not require calibration with protocol, since the oscillator is automatically adjusted and a stand-alone calibration is void, as soon as you connect the GPS-antenna. However, if you want to know a “snapshot” of your built-in reference, or use these instruments in hold-over, without any GPS-disciplining, you could order option 90/06 (GPS-88), option 90/07 (GPS-89, GPS-12R/RG), optionally combined with option 90/00 (weekly hold-over drift). These measurements will always be performed in hold-over mode.

The Product groups Frequency Distribution Amplifiers, High-Voltage Linear Amplifiers, and EMC scanners contain no reference timebase oscillator, and are not applicable for the above calibration services.

If your Pendulum instrument needs calibration, contact our service team for support.

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